
Tuesday Jun 18, 2024
S7: E4 Solo Parent of Twins in the public eye
Tuesday Jun 18, 2024
Tuesday Jun 18, 2024
In this episode I speak to children's entertainer and Red Wiggle, Caterina Meta about her journey to become a solo parent of twins.
*trigger warning we do discuss miscarriage in this episode
For over three decades, The Wiggles, the world’s most popular children’s entertainment group have educated, entertained, and enriched the lives of millions of pre-schoolers (and their parents) all over the globe. Today, generations of fans that grew up watching The Wiggles are sharing their love of them with their own children. Having sold over 30 million albums and DVDs and 8 million books globally, as well as accumulating over 2 billion music streams and 3 billion views on YouTube, The Wiggles continue to dominate the preschool entertainment scene. Their live shows annually sell out to audiences on three separate continents, and their videos are seen in over 190 countries around the world.
The Wiggles recently launched a new educational series on YouTube called Wiggle and Learn. This pioneering series explores crucial early childhood themes including language development, basic maths, social skills, and health and world understanding, offering a comprehensive and engaging educational experience for young learners. A new episode lands every Friday and includes Caterina talking about her pregnancy to children.
I first came across Caterina when I saw her lovely pregnancy announcement and the clear communication that she had used a donor to conceive in a message for her pre school audience.
In this episode we discuss:
- Caterina's fertility journey
- Finding out you are having twins
- How sharing your journey when you're in the public eye, can inspire others who may not have known about this path to parenthood
- How society paints happily ever after as meeting a partner, getting married and having children together
- How children react and don't judge when we share different journeys to parenthood
- The importance and options around support network
- Balancing career and being a solo parent
and MUCH MUCH more!
We were joined by Caterina's gorgeous dog for some of the interview, who also wanted their voice heard!!
You can follow Caterina on Instagram here
For more information in solo parenthood head to www.thestorkandi.com

Monday Mar 25, 2024
S7: E3 Solo Parenting with Holly
Monday Mar 25, 2024
Monday Mar 25, 2024
In this episode I speak to solo parent Holly.
We cover:
- Choosing a sperm donor
- Finding donor siblings
- Deciding whether to try for a sibling
- The experience of being a solo parent and sharing some of the trickiest parts
- Experiencing post natal anxiety
- Our desire for constant cleaning to feel more in control
- The mental load of a solo parent
- Feeling lonely in the early days of solo parenting
- Asking for help and the sort of help that can be useful
- The benefits of finding your people
and much more....
You can follow Holly here
Thank you for listening to The Stork and I Podcast! I would love for you to share this episode and let me know what you think! Please take a moment to rate and review, it really helps others find the podcast which can be a great source of support!
About Mel Johnson
Hi! I'm Mel, The Solo Parenthood Coach and following my own journey to solo parenthood, I created The Stork and I to support others going through the same journey.
I'm also on a mission to change the narrative around solo parenthood
Learn more about me and the coaching I offer at The Stork and I Website
I have created a monthly Solo Parent Stork and I Newsletter that you can sign up for here
Join our Instagram community for more support
Thriving Solo:
You can sign up to Thriving Solo, The Stork and I Membership Community for solo mums to get access to our members only Podcast as well as loads of materials and resources and a monthly remote Community Connection Call to meet other Solo Parents.

Friday Feb 09, 2024
S7: E2 Solo Parenting with Sarah @singlemammybychoice
Friday Feb 09, 2024
Friday Feb 09, 2024
In todays episode I speak to solo parent Sarah
In the episode we cover:
- The difference between using the term single parent or solo parent
- Making the decision to become a solo parent
- Having IUI or IVF
- Having a really tough time postpartum and getting through it
- The benefits of parenting solo
- The unrealistic expectations we think we'd have of a partner!
- Advice for those considering solo parenthood
and much more.....
You can follow Sarah here
Thank you for listening to The Stork and I Podcast! I would love for you to share this episode and let me know what you think! Please take a moment to rate and review, it really helps others find the podcast which can be a great source of support!
About Mel Johnson
Hi! I'm Mel, The Solo Parenthood Coach and following my own journey to solo parenthood, I created The Stork and I to support others going through the same journey.
I'm also on a mission to change the narrative around solo parenthood
Learn more about me and the coaching I offer at The Stork and I Website
I have created a monthly Solo Parent Stork and I Newsletter that you can sign up for here
Join our Instagram community for more support
Thriving Solo:
You can sign up to Thriving Solo, The Stork and I Membership Community for solo mums to get access to our members only Podcast as well as loads of materials and resources and a monthly remote Community Connection Call to meet other Solo Parents.

Tuesday Jan 30, 2024
S7: E1 Cultural considerations with Jayneel
Tuesday Jan 30, 2024
Tuesday Jan 30, 2024
In todays episode we meet with Jayneel Patel about her journey to solo parenthood.
In the episode we discussed:
- Coming from an Indian family and the impact that has on the decision to become a solo parent
- Going through an arranged marriage and the learnings from that
- Considering adoption
- Having the support of the important people in our lives
- Being embraced by the extended family
- Choosing a sperm donor and considerations around ethnicity
- Getting things done as a solo parent
- Juggling career and parenthood
And much more!
If you want to follow Jayneel you can find her at @jp1409
Thank you for listening to The Stork and I Podcast! I would love for you to share this episode and let me know what you think! Please take a moment to rate and review, it really helps others find the podcast which can be a great source of support!
About Mel Johnson
Hi! I'm Mel, The Solo Parenthood Coach and following my own journey to solo parenthood, I created The Stork and I to support others going through the same journey.
I'm also on a mission to change the narrative around solo parenthood
Learn more about me and the coaching I offer at The Stork and I Website
I have created a monthly Solo Parent Stork and I Newsletter that you can sign up for here
Join our Instagram community for more support
Thriving Solo:
You can sign up to Thriving Solo, The Stork and I Membership Community for solo mums to get access to our members only Podcast as well as loads of materials and resources and a monthly remote Community Connection Call to meet other Solo Parents.

Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
S6: E10 Inconceivable - the Solo Parent Memoir
Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
Wednesday Nov 08, 2023
In the last episode of Series 6 of the Stork and I Podcast I chat to solo parent Alexandra.
Alexandra is a solo parent and an award winning Melbourne writer who has written for theatre, screen and print. Her memoir Inconceivable was recently published by Hachette.
In the episode we discuss:
- Her memoir Inconceivable
- Splitting up with a partner because they don't want children and you do
- 'Settling' for someone as an alternative to pursuing solo parenthood
- The challenges of dating when wanting children
- Considering using a known donor
- The importance of our solo parent network
- Moving location to be closer to parents
and MUCH more!
You can follow Alexandra at: https://www.instagram.com/alexandracollierwrites/
You can purchase Inconceivable here
Thank you for listening to The Stork and I Podcast! I would love for you to share this episode and let me know what you think! Please take a moment to rate and review, it really helps others find the podcast which can be a great source of support!
About Mel Johnson
Hi! I'm Mel, The Solo Parenthood Coach and following my own journey to solo parenthood, I created The Stork and I to support others going through the same journey.
I'm also on a mission to change the narrative around solo parenthood
Learn more about me and the coaching I offer at The Stork and I Website
I have created a monthly Solo Parent Stork and I Newsletter that you can sign up for here
Join our Instagram community for more support
Thriving Solo:
You can sign up to Thriving Solo, The Stork and I Membership Community for solo mums to get access to our members only Podcast as well as loads of materials and resources and a monthly remote Community Connection Call to meet other Solo Parents.

Friday Oct 13, 2023
S6: E9 Solo parenting abroad with Jess
Friday Oct 13, 2023
Friday Oct 13, 2023
Todays episode is with Solo parent Jess, who lives with her baby daughter in Thailand.
In the episode we cover:
- The considerations of solo parenthood when you live abroad
- Using a known donor
- Support network when you live away from family and how friends can really step up
- Childcare options when abroad
- Deciding whether to try for a 2nd baby
- Navigating being a solo parent and having a new relationship
and much more
You can follow Jess at @theglobe_thebaby_andme/
Thank you for listening to The Stork and I Podcast! I would love for you to share this episode and let me know what you think! Please take a moment to rate and review, it really helps others find the podcast which can be a great source of support!
About Mel Johnson
Hi! I'm Mel, The Solo Parenthood Coach and following my own journey to solo parenthood, I created The Stork and I to support others going through the same journey.
I'm also on a mission to change the narrative around solo parenthood
Learn more about me and the coaching I offer at The Stork and I Website
I have created a monthly Solo Parent Stork and I Newsletter that you can sign up for here
Join our Instagram community for more support
Thriving Solo:
You can sign up to Thriving Solo, The Stork and I Membership Community for solo mums to get access to our members only Podcast as well as loads of materials and resources and a monthly remote Community Connection Call to meet other Solo Parents.

Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
S6: E8 Solo parenting with Talia
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Tuesday Sep 26, 2023
Todays episode is with solo parent Talia.
In the episode we cover:
- Why things are not always easier with a partner
- Keeping a positive attitude
- Embracing non traditional living arrangements and making them work for us
- Pregnancy after loss
- Enabling our kids to engage with other donor conceived people and the importance of that for them
You can follow Talia on Instagram at @taliamck
Thank you for listening to The Stork and I Podcast! I would love for you to share this episode and let me know what you think! Please take a moment to rate and review, it really helps others find the podcast which can be a great source of support!
About Mel Johnson
Hi! I'm Mel, The Solo Parenthood Coach and following my own journey to solo parenthood, I created The Stork and I to support others going through the same journey.
I'm also on a mission to change the narrative around solo parenthood
Learn more about me and the coaching I offer at The Stork and I Website
I have created a monthly Solo Parent Stork and I Newsletter that you can sign up for here
Join our Instagram community for more support
Thriving Solo:
You can sign up to Thriving Solo, The Stork and I Membership Community for solo mums to get access to our members only Podcast as well as loads of materials and resources and a monthly remote Community Connection Call to meet other Solo Parents.

Thursday Aug 10, 2023
S6: E7 All things Solo Parenting with @Claire_Needs_Coffee
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
Thursday Aug 10, 2023
Todays episode is with Claire Holland AKA @Claire_needs_coffee. Claire is a solo mum to her 4 year old Theo and chats with me all about her decision to become a solo parent, the journey to get there and the realities of parenting with no partner.
In the episode we discuss:
- Choosing IUI vs IVF
- Having a more challenging fertility journey than expected
- Getting time to yourself in the evening
- Balancing career and parenthood
- Finding your tribe
and much much more!
Thank you for listening to The Stork and I Podcast! I would love for you to share this episode and let me know what you think! Please take a moment to rate and review, it really helps others find the podcast which can be a great source of support!
About Mel Johnson
Hi! I'm Mel, The Solo Parenthood Coach and following my own journey to solo parenthood, I created The Stork and I to support others going through the same journey.
I'm also on a mission to change the narrative around solo parenthood
Learn more about me and the coaching I offer at The Stork and I Website
I have created a monthly Solo Parent Stork and I Newsletter that you can sign up for here
Join our Instagram community for more support
Thriving Solo:
You can sign up to Thriving Solo, The Stork and I Membership Community for solo mums to get access to our members only Podcast as well as loads of materials and resources and a monthly remote Community Connection Call to meet other Solo Parents.

Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
S6: E6 Deciding on the ethnicity of your sperm donor
Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
Tuesday Jul 11, 2023
In todays episode I chat to Alpa, solo mum to 5 year old Mia.
We discuss:
- Deciding to become a solo parent
- Managing pregnancy solo
- Moving to be closer to parents
- Choosing a sperm donor
- A challenging birth and post natal experience
- Changing careers
- The realities of parenting solo
and much much more.
Thank you for listening to The Stork and I Podcast! I would love for you to share this episode and let me know what you think! Please take a moment to rate and review, it really helps others find the podcast which can be a great source of support!
About Mel Johnson
Hi! I'm Mel, The Solo Parenthood Coach and following my own journey to solo parenthood, I created The Stork and I to support others going through the same journey.
I'm also on a mission to change the narrative around solo parenthood
Learn more about me and the coaching I offer at The Stork and I Website
I have created a monthly Solo Parent Stork and I Newsletter that you can sign up for here
Join our Instagram community for more support
Thriving Solo:
You can sign up to Thriving Solo, The Stork and I Membership Community for solo mums to get access to our members only Podcast as well as loads of materials and resources and a monthly remote Community Connection Call to meet other Solo Parents.

Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
S6: E5 Solo Parenting Twins When One Has a Complex Heart Condition
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
Wednesday Jun 07, 2023
In todays episode I chat to solo parent to twins, Julia Shields. Julia has 4 year old twins. Her son was born with a complex heart condition that shapes a lot of how they live their lives.
In this episode we discuss:
- Julias decision to become a solo parent
- The living arrangements Julia has put in place
- How blended family living can work
- Parenting during covid
- The impact of her son having a complex heart condition from new born to today
- How Julia manages through challenging times
and much more......
Huge thanks to Julia for sharing her story and massive respect for the strength she has. She is a true inspiration.
You can follow Julia on Instagram
Thank you for listening to The Stork and I Podcast! I would love for you to share this episode and let me know what you think! Please take a moment to rate and review, it really helps others find the podcast which can be a great source of support!
About Mel Johnson
Hi! I'm Mel, The Solo Parenthood Coach and following my own journey to solo parenthood, I created The Stork and I to support others going through the same journey.
I'm also on a mission to change the narrative around solo parenthood
Learn more about me and the coaching I offer at The Stork and I Website
I have created a monthly Solo Parent Stork and I Newsletter that you can sign up for here
Join our Instagram community for more support
Thriving Solo:
You can sign up to Thriving Solo, The Stork and I Membership Community for solo mums to get access to our members only Podcast as well as loads of materials and resources and a monthly remote Community Connection Call to meet other Solo Parents.